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標題: 怎么下栽啊 我是新手. 要什么种子???
Rank: 1

UID 1805261
精華 0
積分 23
帖子 42
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2008-12-11
發表於 2008-12-25 07:25 PM  資料  主頁 短消息  加為好友  QQ
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks forsharing!
When a man, accused of crime, is convicted MapleStory Clean Slates Scroll and sentenced in any of the courts of the State, a commitment is furnished the sheriff, nexon cash the clerk of the court.

This document is a writing, giving the name of the prisoner, the crime MapleStory Clean Slates Scroll of which he stands committed, and the term for which he is sentenced. It is the authority given the sheriff to convey to the penitentiary the person named therein, and to deliver him nexon game card to the warden.

As soon as the warden receives the commitment he assumes control of the prisoner, and retains it until his term of service expires, or MapleStory Work Gloves is liberated by pardon or some court decree.


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