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標題: 今晚找男人一夜情 人在厦门
Rank: 1

UID 1838662
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積分 14
帖子 23
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註冊 2009-2-8
發表於 2009-2-14 01:19 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友  QQ
Ericsson's overall business revenue

A few days ago, to visit in Qingdao Regatta Volvo Global Global CEO Svanberg of Ericsson, said to reporters that at present the industry as a whole has not been the impact of economic crisis, cree ledand he expects the economic crisis for the mobile communications industry was less affected.
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Svanberg said that at present, due to the impact of the global financial crisis, making countries in the world are experiencing the history of the most severe economic recession, buy wow goldany one region or industry will be more or less subject to a certain extent. However, Ericsson's overall business revenue growth last year reached 11 percent, higher than the market average. cheap lord of the rings online goldAt present, the Chinese market is still the world's largest market for Ericsson, and this market has been showing a gradual growth.lotro gold


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